Sunday, November 8, 2009

Have not blogged but still biking

So my schedule has been kicking my arse since I've moved up to Santa Barbara/Goleta. My new job has been totally awesome, I am learning so much in the field of Ophthalmology. School has been good, a little overwhelming but good, we are spending a lot of time with cadavers in Anatomy class, I'm learning a lot about the human body, so much that when I watch horror movies I can point out the inaccuracies. I originallly planned on taking three classes, English Comp, Anatomy and Math, but had to drop English because I just did not have the time for all three classes (and I didn't like the format for the online English class). I don't have much time to blog, I actually should be studying right this minute.

I haven't been able to ride my Flying Pigeon much because it's quite hilly up here and there would be no way I would ride to school from work in an hour on the FP, and I only have an hour to get to school from work. I have been using my boyfriend's 27 speed Trek. I only use about 8 speeds on it, I am a bit spoiled with those speeds, I fly down hills and can climb up hills easily. I broke down and bought a Batavus Mixte 10 speed off ebay. The guy I bought it from did not disclose the condition it was in, he only said it was vintage, so I am dissappointed with how much work it will be to make it serviceable. I need to replace the wheels (I'm afraid they will break, they are so old), replace the chain and fix the breaks (one of the wires came off). Any advice any readers can give will be appreciated. Here's a pic of the Batavus beauty:

I figure I'll buy a better seat, put a rack and basket on her and she'll be good to go.

I do ride my Pigeon every now and then, when I don't have school at night (Fridays and weekends). She is doing ok, I rode her quite a bit yesterday, rode through UCSB, got lost, rode her to the beach, made some distance on the Obern Trail, rode past work and shopped at Trader Joes. It was quite the trip.

Got some great pics of the FP at the beach...

look at this scary pelican!

out riding

out riding
riding my flying pigeon